Inspiration lives here.

I'm trying to find inspiration in any place I can find it these days. They say it takes six months to change a habit. I hope when June rolls around that I have finally conquered my love of eating everything I shouldn't. Not that I have been overly bad these last few weeks, but I haven't been overly great either. I'm still losing weight at a rate of about 1.5 pounds a week. I'm happy because the slower you lose it, the longer you keep it off. I do not want to go through this again when I'm skinny...or um...healthier. I mean the goal is to be healthy, not skinny, right? Who am I kidding...I really want to be skinny!! :) I would love to see what it feels like to not worry about what I wear or how it looks.  Plus I could finally shop all those stores that sell cheap, but stylish clothing. So getting back to the inspiration...I know I'm going to hit a wall once I lose 10% of my weight. It has happened before, I suspect it will happen again. I am trying to prepare myself, so hopefully I can break through that barrier and keep losing. I am inspired by my weight loss because I have never been this successful at losing weight and not gaining it back immediately. Eating healthy has been a challenge, but a fun one as I learn to cook new ways and eat new things. I am inspired by all the women on Oprah's show last week that lost 100 pounds or more. Did anyone see this show? Really amazing. I am inspired that I am starting to gain control over my food addiction. I look at food differently now. I constantly as this really happening? Did I just turn down chocolate and not look back? Did I just pass the potato chip aisle and not break out into a sweat? I never thought I could triumph over temptation, but little by little I'm winning more battles and eventually I'll win the war. I can feel this to be true this time. Not like all the other times. I am motivated to get my life together. Why now I wonder? I think turning 40 has a way of putting things into perspective. At some point, women really do have to start taking care of themselves. I have heard this time and time again, but I never really got it until this year. When we take care of ourselves, we teach our children to take care of themselves. I believe I am more present with my children, family, and friends because I am not tired and worn out all the time. I actually go outside with my kids and play with them instead of sitting and watching. Whoever said that life is a full contact sport is so right. I don't see any other way to play it. I feel I have entire chunks of time missing from my life. Times and places and things I can't remember. In those places is where misery lives. I am inspired that I am getting back my life and banishing misery. Temptation will always be everywhere and I choose not to give in anymore. I simply cannot. For if I do, my life will be wasted. I refuse to waste anymore time getting into the game. I cannot waste time regretting decisions that got me to this weight. I forgive myself and I find inspiration there, too.

So changing gears a little here, but in speaking about temptation, I must tell you about a new find. If anyone reading this lives close to me or in my area you must visit Cherry Berry. It's a self serve frozen yogurt bar. Most of the yogurts are low fat or no fat which naturally means it is a bit higher in sugar, so I'm not advocating eating there everyday, but it's a great treat when you're wanting something sweet and a lot less calories than ice cream. A 4 oz. serving has between 13g and 19g of sugar and is between 80-130 calories depending on which flavor you choose. There's a million toppings to add, which will add calories. Today I got 4.5 oz of triple chocolate and island coconut (half and half) and added low fat granola, strawberries, and blackberries. All of this was only 180 calories and 14g of sugar. Not bad for a sweet treat that's good for you (the yogurt contains probiotics and live cultures). It satisfied my craving and I didn't have to break my calorie bank.

Thanks so much for reading. Wish me luck and inspiration. Please share your stories so that I may be even more inspired. God Bless,


The First Quarter has passed---already!

Hello out there. It's been a bit since I have posted because living life can be darn time consuming! :) So the end of March is marking the end of the first quarter of 2011. I have tried many things in the first three months of my weight loss journey. Some are failures (don't even get me started on that coconut water!) and some have worked. First let me update you on my weight loss. I have lost 18 pounds since January 3rd. Most recently I lost 5 pounds in one week. I realize that is too much too fast but I'll tell you how I did it. I challenged myself to a week with no refined sugars. Talk about hard! Evidentally carbohydrates are the only things that we absolutely do not need in our diets in order to survive. So I ate lean meats, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and some dairy products like cheese and yogurt. Most of us are addicted to sugar so the fact that I had no crackers, bread, pasta, candy, chocolate, soda, and what ever else is considered a bad carb was a challenge for sure. However, I felt better and looked better than I have in awhile. I honestly could not believe how much energy I had. No more sugar laden afternoon snacks for me! I didn't realize that the sugar I was eating for a burst of energy was actually draining me of energy. Refined sugars spike your blood sugar quickly and then when your blood sugar plummets, the lasting effects are felt for hours making you feel energyless and tired. Doctor Oz says to make a trail mix out of hemp seed, unsweetened coconut flakes, and dark chocolate chips for an afternoon boost that won't make you feel lathargic. I have not tried this and I'm not sure about that hemp seed (does it come from the canabis plant??). Bascially Doctor Oz says the remember the 3's when eating to produce lasting energy through the day. Eat every three hours and when you eat remember to eat a fat, a protein, and a carb (like veggies and fruit...not the the bad ones). These three things combined keep your blood sugar flowing a steady level with no spikes or valleys. I challenge everyone to try to go without refined sugars for a week and see how you feel. I promise  you will feel so much better. So then why do I turn around the next week and consume Dr. Pepper and marshmallow filled chocolate eggs way before Easter? I guess the simple answer is I am addicted to sugar. Sugar addiction has to be one of the hardest addictions to overcome. Only because sugar is widely available in a range of products. It's easy for the addict to get a fix and it's legal. But not to worry, I rebounded the following week and got my eating back under control. I haven't had any sugary substances for over a week now and once again I'm feeling better. I went grocery shopping yesterday and I was so proud of myself when I looked into the cart. Lots of veggies, fruit, some meats, some cheese, 1% milk, nuts, whole wheat bread, and skinny cow ice cream sandwiches (hey it could be worse). In the past, I use to spend $300 for a 2 week period on groceries. Cutting out all the processed foods has reduced my grocery bill by $100. So you can eat healthy for cheaper than eating badly. The problem is cutting out the processed foods and refined sugars. I won't lie, it's hard, but I have so much to live for and I don't want to be diagnosed with diabetes that runs through my bloodline. I don't want to miss the opportunity to shape and mold my children and see them become the successful, good people I know they will be. Just recently I have learned that I can change. As difficult as it may be at times all I have to do is look at my children and my husband. I have been wallowing in negativity and what happened in my childhood too long. I have finally made peace with the past and I am finally allowing myself to be happy, to be positive, and to know it's okay if I'm at peace with the past. Eventually we have to learn to let go of whatever haunts us before we destroy ourselves. So with that I want to pass on some information that may be helpful. I ran across a couple of articles that were interesting and I will post the links here for your reading enjoyment. The first one is the Best Superfoods for Weight Loss which includes black beans, strawberries, and oats...yummy! This is a great article. You can find it at The next article is diabetic friendly recipes which proves not all low-carb recipes are tasteless. Some of the recipes include Applesauce Pancakes, Blueberry Muffins, and Veggie Tostadas. All twenty recipes look appetizing to me! Check out these recipes at Thanks for reading. I will try to post more often! God bless and wish me luck!! :)


Where has February gone?

Wow today is  the next to the last day of February. I have totally messed this month up! I got off of my eating goals about February 18th which was my anniversary. We went to Carabba's for dinner. It was soooo good. That weekend was one bad eating decision after another. Pizza on Saturday, Logan's on Sunday, Fun City and Pizza on Monday...yikes! Stop the madness! I am starting fresh in March. I will exercise if it kills me! I will eat right if it kills me! Why is this so hard? I always start off doing well then I tank. I think the difference this time is I keep trying. I have not given up on myself and I am still doing positive affirmations everyday. The negativity that keeps me down...that keeps us all slowly fading. I still have my moments, but I am constantly replacing the negative thoughts with positive ones and it is helping!!  I feel more hopeful than ever about getting to a healthy place where I feel and look better. Now I will follow up on a few things...I tried coconut water. Well let me just say I couldn't drink it. It was pretty nasty. It had this horrible after taste. I took a few sips and gave it Dave who can stomach almost anything. He grimaced and said it was really horrible. He immediately got some water. I was really hoping I would like it! Oh well, I will just continue to take my vitamin B complex to boost my metabolism and pray it works,  So while I was in GNC buying the coconut water, I sampled their new Omega 3 and calcium supplements. They are both in chewable form and they were both pretty good. The Omega 3 looks like an orange starburst, but it a bit more tart than that plus the texture is different, but for being fish oil it was really good. The calcium is caramel flavored and tastes really good, as well. The Omega 3 soft chews are 19.99 for 50 and the calcium chews are 7.99 for 75 chews. I would gladly pay 20 bucks for the Omega 3 chews because they left no after taste and I wasn't burping fish oil (which is nasty) 30 minutes later. Does anyone shop the Target food aisles? ( I wish we had a SuperTarget!) Target actually has some pretty good snacks that are low in calories and sugars. I found some puffed popcorn that is so good. It comes in two flavors--caramel and jalapeno cheddar. The caramel is 160 calories for 2 1/2 cups and contains 6g of sugar. I know we're not supposed to eat anything that is over 5g of sugar per serving, but this popcorn is so good when you want a sweet treat. The jalapeno cheddar is savory and has 150 calories per 2 1/2 cup serving and only 3g of sugar. Both flavors are only 2.94 a bag.The next time you're in Target, check it out. Alright, I will end this here, but I will keep everyone posted in the coming month about  my progress. I am excited about the Spring coming so maybe I  can get outside and workout. Thanks for reading everyone. Wish me luck!!

Apetite Rampage

Hello there! Well I weighed in on Monday and lost .2 pounds.  I wasn't surprised since I went on that eating rampage last week. Nothing I ate left me satisfied and I felt hungry constantly. Hopefully this week I can get off of the eating rollercoaster and back to eating right. Staying in control of my apetite has  proven really hard. I keep having these cravings. Maybe because I have cut my sugar intake down by more than half? I haven't had fast food or Dr. Pepper in 30 days and I feel that this a great accomplishment, but do I still crave it? Yes!! Will the need for these horrible sugar and fat filled foods ever leave my system? Or will I be plagued forever? I sure hope not!! Weight loss is not supposed to be about deprivation but more about eating the right combinations of foods to aid in fat burning. However, some days I feel so deprived! Am I alone, here? Snacking in the afternoon is breaking my calorie bank! Plus to make matters worse, I keep hearing food words when people talk. For instance, I have mistaken booklet for chocolate and "take that" for Big Mac. I try not to think about my cravings or I try to do things to curb my cravings without breaking the calorie bank. If anyone has any snack recipes that are low in calories, please share!! One resource I use is Lisa Lillien started the website and what she does is take high calorie, fatty snacks and modifies the recipes to make them healthier and lower in calories. If you have some time, peruse the website for some tasty treats, plus she has a list of snacks that you can buy online or in grocery stores that are healthier than most processed snacks out there. There is a newsletter than you can get by email everyday, too!!  Let me know what you think!! One of my favorite recipes from the Hungry Girl Cookbook is Bacon and Cheese Bell Pepper Skins. These are faux potato skins, but they are soooo yummy. Please leave me a message if you would like the recipe and I'll be happy to email it to you since I'm not sure if I can post it here because of copyright issues. There is also a recipe in the cookbook for Southwestern Egg Rolls (like you can get at Chili's) and they are unbelievably good!! By using these tips and tricks I hope to be able to make better snacking choices going forward. By the way, have you tried that new popcorn at WalMart. It's called Popcorn, Indiana. There are three varieties of this wonderful kettle corn. Cinnamon, Dark Chocolate Drizzle, and Wasabi. I have not tried the cinnamon or wasabi yet, but I will. The Dark Chocolate Drizzle only has 140 calories per 1.5 cups.  It's a nice sweet snack for when the sweet tooth kicks in. I can't wait to try the Wasabi because you can have 2.5 cups for about the same amount of calories. Yummy!! I have one last idea to share with you because I tried it and it worked!! If you must have a sugary snack, eat a couple of small pieces of french bread with a bit of olive oil. You can dip the bread in the oil, but I put the oil on my bread and then bake it in the oven at 350 degrees for about 5 minutes. Eat the bread, then the sugary snack. The bread and olive oil slows your stomach digestion so your blood sugar stays level instead of rising to fast and then crashing which will drain you of your energy. I did this before eating some chocolate I desperately needed (okay...wanted) and I didn't feel that horrible crash that normally happens making me want to sleep all afternoon. Alright, thanks for listening to my rant and my ideas for happy, healthy snacking. I feel better now and ready to take charge of my appetite!!  Wish me luck!!


Happy Chinese New Year!!

Hello everyone! February 3rd was the start of the Chinese New Year. I read my Chinese horoscope (I'm a dog, imagine that) and it said that if I start an exercise regimen within the first week of the new year then I would be more likely to stick with it. So I started yesterday. I did cardio via my stepper. I went for 15 minutes and that was enough. The video I have is supposed to be for beginner beginners, but I felt it was more fast paced than it should have been. I know how stupid that sounds since cardio is usually not slow paced, but I thought it would give me more time to learn the steps before killing me. I'll stick with it and before ya know it I'll have a job teaching step aerobic classes. You can stop laughing now. :)
So, I wanted to share how my eating has been this week so far. I don't know if it's the snow and the stress of driving in it, but I have been so hungry. I have been wanting to eat everything in sight. I have not, though. I have restrained myself, but a feeling of unsatisfaction has been with me night and day. I don't know what to do about this feeling. I am not sure what will satisfy me. Today, I have decided to not count my calories and have a free day.  I have not overeaten at all, but I am about to bake browines so I am in the danger zone now. Hopefully I can just eat one. Although one browine is only a 2x2 sqaure. I am thinking that maybe I am having sugar withdrawls because I have been trying to cut refined sugar out of my diet. This has been a really hard process, but I am plugging along. I am hoping that one day all of this torture will be worth it. I will be healthier and happier.I have some tips that have worked for me that I want to share. Also, I have a few things that I want to try. I will promise to try all of these things and report back to you. I think that having a variety of options available helps to curb cravings. Dr. Oz and other experts believe sugar is killing us more than fat. They say that sugar causes problems with high blood pressure, cholesterol, and insulin resistance which causes diabetes. So there are a bunch of sugar substances out there that you should not eat. For those of you that are interested you can visit   and look at the hidden sugars area. I have found that cutting all these things out are impossible. The main reason why is because the Atkins shakes and bars have become a staple of mine and they contain some sugar substances like maltose. I have to be to work by 5 am and you are supposed to eat within thirty minutes of waking up. When I get to work, I drink an Atkins Milk Chocolate Delight shake. These are really good. They contain 160 calories, 10g of fat, 15g of protein, and 1g of sugar. I don't like the strawberry or vanilla, but the dark chocolate ones are good too. There is a mocha one, but I haven't tried it because I don't like coffee. The trick to these shakes I think is the high  protein content, plus they are very convenient for an early morning breakfast. I think the liquid helps to fill me up, too. Plus I drink a bottle of water right after. So by 5:30 am I am done with my breakfast. Then about 8:30 I have a light snack. I usually eat a piece of fruit like an apple or orange. I also eat some string cheese or I have a wedge of laughing cow cheeese on some multi grain wasa bread. You can get wasa bread at Wal Mart and it is like a big crunchy cracker. At 11:30 I have lunch. I eat whatever I want that is within 400 calories. By the time I get home I have half of my calories left and can have a good afternoon snack around 3:00 pm to help me fight hunger until dinner. My afternoon snack is usually about 250 calories and most of the time I have some nuts and half of a protein bar by Atkins. The protein bars are actually good. I can stomach them. My favorite is one the double chocolate caramel bar. However, there are other Atkins bars that are not protein bars. So make sure the protein content is at least 9g. If you want to try the bars for free you can join right now at and they will send you three free bars to try. Also, special K protein powder for water is good. The only flavor I like is the pink lemonade. I put the whole thing in one bottle of water. It is really sweet, so if you don't like the sweet you could use a half of a packet. The trick to this protein powder is to put in the water at least an hour before you want to drink it. It doesn't dissolve into the water instantly so letting it sit for a bit ensures you won't be drinking chunks of protein powder which is gross. If anyone has tried the Special K shakes can you let me know how they are?A couple of things I want to try are 100% pure coconut water (sold in health stores like GNC), Rocco's 88 calorie brownies, and psyllium tablets. I hear that vita coco is the best with nothing added, but coconut water replenishes electrolytes and has less fat and sugar than energy drinks like gatorade. Coconut water helps to detoxify the body, but coconut water is said to speed up metabolism which burns more fat and therefore aids in weight loss. See my previous post about the brownies. Psyllium tablets should be taken with a whole glass of water and is basically the same type of fiber found in broccoli and other vegetables. The tablet acts as a natural appetite suppressant and expands in the stomach like regular fiber causing the stomach to slow down the digestive process. If you have any tips that work for you or tips you want to try, please share with me. Like I said, I think it takes a variety of things working together to help aid weight loss. Thanks for reading!! Wish me luck in the coming week and pray for my safety if I have to continue to drive on icy streets.  I weigh in on Monday and I will let you know how that goes. Talk to you soon,


One month down--Eleven to go

Well January has come and is now gone. The good news is that I have lost a total of 8 pounds this month and I am looking forward to February. February poses some hurdles for me though. Two wonderful days occur during this month. The Chocolate Holiday (Valentine's Day) and my anniversary (Feb. 18). I am going to request anything but chocolate for Valentine's Day and when Dave (my husband) doesn't buy me any I will be sad and will probably forget that I forbid him to buy it. However, now that I am not eating a lot of fatty foods, my skin is getting so much clearer. So there are worse things than having no chocolate. :) I had a goal to lose 8 pounds and I did it!! I did it by just calorie counting and watching portions. Sounds grueling, doesn't it? Well, it wasn't so bad. What I learned this past month is that moderation really is the key. You can have foods you love, but just not a lot of it. For instance, I have been eating chocolate but only dark chocolate (70% or more cocoa). I have been eating Dove dark chocolate and I only eat two pieces every other day. Two pieces is only 84 calories. It helps with the cravings for sweets and doesn't bust my calorie bank. Okay, I have to go off topic here for one minute...I just saw this segment on Dr. Oz about brownies that are only 88 calories per serving and very little fat and sugar. Did anyone else see Rocco DiSpirito make these brownies? The recipe is on if anyone is interested. I will make them and report back to you. Anyway they are made with black beans, cocoa powder, espresso powder, whole wheat pastry flour, and a bit of sugar.  Sounds funky, huh? But if I can have a 88 calorie brownie...I'll try it!! Okay that was my Dr. Oz plug of the day ( I love Dr. Oz). Back to I do occaisionally still eat things I love, but that are bad for me. For instance I had Frito Pie and Olive Garden on Friday, which was my free day.  I allow myself one day a week without counting calories (my anniversary will be one of those days because I really want to go to that Bonefish Grill), but I don't go crazy. I still eat small portions, but I feel like I am in control of the food instead of the food controlling me. However, today I feel like the food is controlling me. I have been starving all day. I think it's the weather. I have eaten like normal, but for some reason want to snack. So I had some pistachios (85 calories) and some salad greens with a tsp of sunflower seeds and a bit of light ranch dressing (a total of  114 calories). Just a 200 calorie snack, but I feel satisfied without the need to reach for more. Plus I drank a lot of water. Water helps tremendously, but I still have days where I feel hungry all day. I just don't succumb to the pressure.  I find something to occupy my mind and keep me busy and that helps a lot too. So this month I will continue on my current eating plan and work in more exercise. I am still doing abs every day and every day I still cramp like mad, but if I ever do get in shape I will remember the pain and never go back to being out of shape, rest assured. February will be all about getting an exercise routine together. Any suggestions anyone? I am going to use that aerobic stepper even if I can't walk for days afterward!! :)  Well,  pray for me and wish me luck!! 


The Midweek Blues

Alright, so let me just start by saying I have not exercised at all this week. I am kind of mad at myself because I know exercising is part of the equation to losing weight. So why am I so mathematically challenged? I don't know!! Why can't I just make the committment and stick to it? I know I can start slowly. I know I can build myself up, but for some reason all I have in my head is the need to go full force ahead. I am going to walk my neighborhood tomorrow because the weather will be nicer. But here's the stupid thing (WARNING: You are about to enter my mind...a place where few have gone before), I am scared to walk in my neighborhood. Why? I have no idea. I have this overwhelming fear of being raped or mugged. Is this a true fear or just an excuse to hold me back? I know it's probably deep down just an excuse. And I have lots of them like I have no time, the kids need help with homework, I must go to WalMart for something (isn't that exercise), or I am too tired. I know that exercising will help me to have more energy and I just need to do it. The one thing I have been doing is abdominal exercises. I have been doing my crunches, laterals, and even exercising the lower abs. Let me just say this is so painful. When I am finished I have charleyhorses in my lower abdomen. I can't fully stand up for 5 minutes and the cramping is so intense. So if anyone out there is starting ab exercises and you haven't used those muscles in awhile or ever (like me) HURTS!!  Why doesn't anyone ever tell us this? Probably because we wouldn't buy all those ab products, that's why!! But here's the can torture yourself without spending money. Remember that at 2 a.m. while sitting on the couch eating cheetos and that ab roller thing  is looking really good. So on the food far this week I have been really good. I am staying at or under my calorie amount and I feel this week (foodwise) is off to a good start. I made a great chicken salad with only one tablespoon of mayo. I have been eating it on multigrain wasa bread. So yummy. However, I weighed on Monday and I have gained 2 pounds. I am just hoping it was because of my monthly visitor that stopped by on Sunday. I am praying that on this coming Monday I have a lower number. If not I may be forced to walk to the scary streets of my neighborhood!! Pray for me and wish me luck!!


Twenty-three days and I'm still alive!

On exactly January 1st of 2011, I decided to finally get myself together and lose weight. No, I did not make a New Year's resolution because I don't believe in them. However, losing weight has always been a project of mine. I have always been...heavy (trying to use the least negative word here) due to a childhood that I had no control over. I don't blame my mother or my father for anything that happened, but I internalized every bad feeling I had. I started binging when I was 7, joined Weight Watchers at 13, hooked on laxatives and dexatrim by 16, and tried every fad diet in between. By the age of 19, I was married and found myself in a very toxic relationship. A few years after being married, I gave up on myself completely. I let negative feelings and thoughts take over my entire existence. I lived that way for many years until my son was born and gave me life. The journey back to myself has been a long one. Very scary at times and joyful at others, but it's not over yet. So, I have decided to come clean, here, in public. What do I want to accomplish? I want to be able to rant, share my successes and failures, and hopefully get some advice from people who have been where I am. I will be brutally honest with myself because honestly, I can't afford therapy. I need a way to hold myself accoutable and to get rid of all the negativity. I am so hard on myself that I when I do fail, I can't breathe for days. I give up entirely and eat everything in the kitchen that contains chocolate or is high in trans fats. Then I berate myself for days following my out of control binge. I have to take control of my life in this way, because in many ways it's the last hurdle on my journey. I have been eating to comfort myself since I was 7, so these habits are hard to break, but I know now that I am worth it. On January 1st I started trying to change my habits by following the simple rules to weight loss...eating healthy, eating the bad things in moderation, counting calories, and exercising. I downloaded a nifty calorie counting app on my iPhone and was on my way. I have logged in every day since I got the app and have faithfully counted my calories for 21 days now. Technically, I started on January 3rd, which was the first Monday of the new year. According to the app I need to consume 1610 calories a day. I have been under most days, except the one day I ate a whole sleeve of Ritz crackers while watching a movie. Did you know a whole sleeve of Ritz crackers has 500 calories? Wow. I was stunned. So no more eating in front of the television for me. What did I do? I just forgave myself, gave myself a positive pep talk, and moved on. That was a major breakthrough for me. Maybe the fact that I had no chocolate in the house helped too. Anyway, I have lost 7 pounds in 15 days. My next weigh-in is tomorrow morning. I haven't done too well this past week so I just hope to have lost one pound. I was under in calories for the week, but I have just been making bad choices. So I will just hope for the best and do better next week. My goal is to eventually lose 160 pounds. I currently weigh 305.8 pounds. I started at 313. The one thing I have not been able to do consistently is exercise and that will be my project for next week. I am going to do step aerobics if it kills me! I am determined! I can't let that $25 step I bought off of Craigslist go to waste, now can I? Wish me luck!