The Midweek Blues

Alright, so let me just start by saying I have not exercised at all this week. I am kind of mad at myself because I know exercising is part of the equation to losing weight. So why am I so mathematically challenged? I don't know!! Why can't I just make the committment and stick to it? I know I can start slowly. I know I can build myself up, but for some reason all I have in my head is the need to go full force ahead. I am going to walk my neighborhood tomorrow because the weather will be nicer. But here's the stupid thing (WARNING: You are about to enter my mind...a place where few have gone before), I am scared to walk in my neighborhood. Why? I have no idea. I have this overwhelming fear of being raped or mugged. Is this a true fear or just an excuse to hold me back? I know it's probably deep down just an excuse. And I have lots of them like I have no time, the kids need help with homework, I must go to WalMart for something (isn't that exercise), or I am too tired. I know that exercising will help me to have more energy and I just need to do it. The one thing I have been doing is abdominal exercises. I have been doing my crunches, laterals, and even exercising the lower abs. Let me just say this is so painful. When I am finished I have charleyhorses in my lower abdomen. I can't fully stand up for 5 minutes and the cramping is so intense. So if anyone out there is starting ab exercises and you haven't used those muscles in awhile or ever (like me) HURTS!!  Why doesn't anyone ever tell us this? Probably because we wouldn't buy all those ab products, that's why!! But here's the can torture yourself without spending money. Remember that at 2 a.m. while sitting on the couch eating cheetos and that ab roller thing  is looking really good. So on the food far this week I have been really good. I am staying at or under my calorie amount and I feel this week (foodwise) is off to a good start. I made a great chicken salad with only one tablespoon of mayo. I have been eating it on multigrain wasa bread. So yummy. However, I weighed on Monday and I have gained 2 pounds. I am just hoping it was because of my monthly visitor that stopped by on Sunday. I am praying that on this coming Monday I have a lower number. If not I may be forced to walk to the scary streets of my neighborhood!! Pray for me and wish me luck!!
